Text in quotes refer to a Synergy parameter or function, for example "Start Time"
i-synergy = synergy Class 10 current, i-rated = synergy Class20 / Class30 current, i-motor = motor current
[ SGY1051400 SGY2070000 SGY3023400 ]
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
0 ( 0 hex ) 0%
16384 ( 4000 hex ) 100%
8192 ( 2000 hex ) 50%
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
1638 ( 666 hex ) 10%
16384 ( 4000 hex ) 100%
8192 ( 2000 hex ) 50%
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
0 ( 0 hex ) Off
1 ( 1 hex ) On
1 ( 1 hex ) On
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
0 ( 0 hex ) 0%
16384 ( 4000 hex ) 100%
4096 ( 1000 hex ) 25%
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
Range 8192 ( 2000 hex ) 50% I-motor -
13107 ( 3333 hex ) 80% I-motor
Default 13107 ( 3333 hex ) 80% I-motor Type
Read Only
21320 ( 5348 hex )
The current in Amps at which the iERS is enabled or disabled.
Start Saving Level
The iERS function is active when the motor current is less than the "Start Saving Level"
16 bit unsigned
When the iERS function is disabled internal bypass relays close to improve efficiency.
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 0.006104 % )
21184 ( 52C0 hex )
Determines the rate at which the load is regulated during the iERS energy saving mode
iERS Rate
During periods of instability the "Current Irms" and "True Power Factor" will oscillate rapidly.
Increase if the applications shows signs of instability.
16 bit unsigned
Reduce to increase the speed of response
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 0.006104 % )
21120 ( 5280 hex )
Enables and disables the intelligent Energy Recovery System feature (iERS).
On : The voltage to the motor will be regulated to ensure optimum efficiency.
8 bit unsigned
Off : The feature is disabled and the motor operates at full voltage
Binary value
20672 ( 50C0 hex )
Adjusts the response of the "Automatic smoothing"
Auto Smoothing Level
Increase to provide a greater smoothing effect If there are torque fluctuations that occur during the soft stop.
16 bit unsigned
When set to zero the smoothing is effectively disabled.
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 0.006104 % )
20608 ( 5080 hex )
Adjusts the response of the "Automatic Stop"
Automatic Stop Profile
Increase if the motor speed doesn't drop quickly enough.
16 bit unsigned
When the value is set to zero the "Automatic Stop" is effectively disabled
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 0.006104 % )
MAN-SGY-012-V11 EC 5195
Fairford Electronics Ltd - Synergy Modbus RTU Programming Manual - 22nd February 2016
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