5.7.1 Terminating the DMX512 line
In order to guarantee correct performance of DMX512, the end of the line
must be terminated with a resistor. This is done in Smartrack by setting the
jumper J6 to the T(erminated) position, in the last rack only in the DMX512
chain. See section 4.10.3 – Smartrack CPU jumper settings.
It will often be necessary to extend the DMX512 run from the last
Smartrack to other DMX512 devices, such as temporary dimmers, colour
changers and moving lights.
In this case, leave all the Smartracks unterminated (factory default), and
extend the DMX cable from the last rack to a simple socket panel, where
either a DMX extension cable or a terminating plug may be connected.
The terminating plug should be a 5-pin XLR male plug, with a 120
watt resistor connected between pins 2 and 3. When using other untermi-
nated devices downstream of the Smartracks, the terminating plug should
be connected to the Data Out socket of the last device in the DMX line.
5.7.2 Good/bad data
Check the DMX cable connection to the Smartrack(s), and switch on the
control console. Check that the DMX status LEDs on the Smartrack front
panel(s) change from the red
to the green
indicator, showing that
valid DMX data is being received.
5.7.3 Setting the Rack Address
If the control panel is locked (enter LED off), press
for three sec-
onds to gain access.
to set the desired start address for the rack. The start
address must lie in the range 1–512. Note that, for example, if a 36
channel rack is set with an address of 501, only the first 12 dimmers
in the rack will be addressed.
page 36
Smartrack User Manual