4. Installation
Smartracks are intended for mounting either against a wall, back to back in an island
formation or in a flightcase. This section deals with wallmount or island installation –
see the next section for information on flightcasing.
4.1. Environmental considerations
Care must be taken to ensure that the ambient temperature in the dimmer room
stays within the range 0 – 35° Celsius. In some cases, this will require air extrac-
tion or air conditioning.
In order to calculate worst case air handling requirements, you need to know the
thermal losses in the dimmer, as well as estimating the actual maximum continu-
ous load. Since lighting loads vary enormously, it may be reasonable to apply a
diversity factor of between 0.5 – 0.8 to the actual connected load, to represent
worst case.
The formula for calculating the heat generated by the dimmers (in watts) is there-
Total connected load x diversity factor x (100 – efficiency %)
Or, for example:
250,000 x 0.6 x (100 – 98%) = 3,750 watts
Here, a diversity factor of 0.6 is applied to a 250kW load, assuming 98% effi-
ciency at the dimmers (which is reasonable). The result is that up to 3.75kW of
heat may be anticipated in the dimmer room, which may then need additional
extraction or cooling.
Relative humidity should be kept below 80%, non-condensing.
4.2 Planning and marking out
Smartracks are intended to be mounted up to three racks high, and as wide as
may be required, with no air gap between racks.
Wiring access may be from above, from below or through the rear, and only
front access is required for installation and service.
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Smartrack User Manual