2.2 Electrical
Smartrack is designed for operation on single or three phase supplies at 230Vac
±12.5%. Delta versions are also available to special order.
Each Smartrack may optionally be supplied with a 4-pole 125A or 160A circuit
breaker fitted, and earth leakage (RCD) protection may be fitted at power assem-
bly level (single phase to special order).
Power devices are generously overrated solid state switching devices, encapsu-
lated into quad 2.5kW, dual 5kW and single 10kW modules.
Individual dimmer circuits are normally protected by single pole miniature circuit
breakers, rated at 13A (2.5kW), 25A (5kW) and 50A (10kW). Single pole with
neutral disconnect mcbs and double pole mcbs are also available to special
order. See the Smartrack specification for more detailed electrical information.
2.3. Filtering
Smartrack dimmers are designed to conform to the EMC requirements of
EN55014 and EN55022, the usually accepted European norms specifying RFI
interference suppression requirements. In addition, low frequency filtering is
achieved to different levels, depending on the choke specified. Two different
choke styles are available, offering different current risetimes, as required for dif-
ferent types of work. Generally speaking, the higher the risetime the more the
interference generated by the dimmer is suppressed, but it is unwise to specify a
higher risetime than that actually required, since there are weight, thermal and
cost penalties as you go up the scale.
2.3.1 Standard risetime choke
The standard choke is wound on a 2.5” toroidal iron powder core, and
produces a risetime in excess of 200µS. This should be adequate for the-
atre and most video production work, and complies with the BBC’s
PID171 standard for 2.5kW dimmers.
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Smartrack User Manual