a) Power LEDs L1, L2 and L3 (yellow). Should be on, indicating power from
three phase terminals reaching power supply section of CPU. Note that, in
single or bi-phase installations, all three LEDs should still light, though two or
more may be connected to the same supply phase.
b) DMX good data LED (green) – indicated with a
– on if good DMX data
being received.
If green LED is flashing, DMX data address has not been found.
It is not necessary to receive DMX at this stage in the commissioning process.
c) DMX bad data LED (red) – indicated with a
– on if DMX data is missing or
corrupted, in which case it will be ignored by Smartrack.
If red LED flashing, DMX signal has been lost.
It is not necessary to receive DMX at this stage in the commissioning process,
so, providing the system’s DMX source is not on, a red DMX indicator is fine.
d) Temperature status LED (tricolour). This LED should normally show green, indi-
cating that all power devices are within a safe temperature range, and oper-
ation is normal. The three states of this LED are:
Normal operation.
One or more power devices are getting hot, but
operation is safe.
Flashing red
One or more power devices are over temperature and
have been closed down. They will resume normal
operation when a safe operating temperature has been
5.3. Modular Smartrack dimmer level indicators
An advantage of modular Smartracks is that each dimmer is equipped with a
level indicator LED, on the front panel of the dimmer module. This green LED
varies in intensity to approximate to the actual dimmer level. This is most useful in
testing and commissioning, since it proves the entire electronics and control
chain, as far as (but not including) the power device itself.
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Smartrack User Manual