2.3.2 High risetime choke
The High Risetime choke is wound on a 4” toroidal iron powder core, and
produces a risetime in excess of 400µS. This is a requirement of the
Nordic Television Authorities for 2.5kW dimmers, and complies with the
BBC PID171 standard for 5kW and 10kW dimmers. It is recommended
for front of house lighting circuits in theatres and in concert halls, where
acoustic requirements may be critical.
2.4. Rack control
Smartracks receive USITT DMX512/1990 dimmer drive signals from a very wide
range of lighting controllers, including all ETC Expression, Impression, Insight,
MicroVision, Connection and Reflection systems.
The control panel on each Smartrack enables the user to set and display a start
address for the rack, as well as to select, for each or all dimmers:
2.4.1 Dimmer profile
Any dimmer may be set to any one of 12 preprogrammed curves, includ-
ing three non-dims and a ‘hot’ setting (permanently on). This should take
care of the requirements of the vast majority of entertainment and architec-
tural applications, and custom profiles may be generated if required.
2.4.2 Response speed
A dimmer’s response speed is the time it takes for the dimmer’s output to
arrive at a new level, following the reception of a new level instruction by
the dimmer’s control electronics, and is measured in milliseconds. Don’t
confuse response speed (in milliseconds) with risetime (in microseconds).
Smartrack ships with a default 100mS response speed set for all dimmers,
but allows the user the choice, for any or all dimmers in a rack, of 30,
100, 300 or 500mS.
Thus, a studio with RCDs and a lot of 5kW loads might function happily
with all dimmers set to 300mS response time, while individual circuits for
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Smartrack User Manual
Version 1.2