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Adopt the right exercise position: Sit on the seat so that your upper body touches
the backrest completely. Make sure to adjust the backrest’s slope ergonomically to
counteract existing back pain. Place your feet on the footrests about shoulder width
apart. The height of your feet on the footrest is determined by your legs, which
should be bent at an angle of approx. 90°. If you have knee problems, this angle
should not be less than 90°. Hold the handlebars with your hands (also see Chapter
Extend your legs against the resistance of the machine until your knees are almost
completely straight. Make sure not to hyperextend your knees! Breathe out when
you exert strain against the resistance. Mantain this position momentarily.
Bend your legs to return to the start position. Stop the return motion once the legs
reach an angle of approx. 90°. Breathe in during the return sequence.
Exercise variations:
You can also perform this exercise with only one leg. This prevents the stronger leg
from performing more of the work.
Principal muscles worked:
M. quadriceps femoris
M. glutaeus maximus
Start position
End position