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Exercise variations:
Choose a different handlebar position so that your palms are facing each other.
Continue the exercise exactly as described above. With this variation, you can
increase the effect on the triceps brachii
Vary the angle between your arm and torso (modify the height of the seat) to work
different areas of the chest muscles individually. When choosing an angle of 90°,
the middle part of the chest muscles will be targeted with increased intensity, while
an angle exceeding 90° (arm extended diagonally and upwards) focuses on the
upper muscle area. An angle of less than 90° (arm extended downwards) increases
the stress on the lower part.
Upper arm muscles
Adopt the right exercise position: Sit on the seat so that your upper body touches
the chest pad. Place your feet about shoulder width apart. Rest your hands on the
arm pads and grasp the handlebars with your hands. Your palms are facing
Principal muscles worked:
M. biceps brachii
Start position
End position