Technical and optical modifications as well as misprints reserved -
© 2015
by ERGO-FIT GmbH & Co. KG
Insert your training card into the chip card reader to start a chip card workout. The
Machine Settings window opens.
Here you find all setup options for the device plus the workout settings for the
specific user. Adjust the device according to the given parameters. You can change
the settings. Touch the setting you want to change. It will then be highlighted
according to your color scheme. Press the PLUS and MINUS buttons to modify the
setting. Press NEXT to confirm the changes, or press BACK to return to the start
You are now in the parameter section. The displayed settings depend on the
workout type (dynamic, static or countdown). Confirm your selection with NEXT.
Touch the setting you want to change. It will then be highlighted according to your
color scheme. Press the PLUS and MINUS buttons to modify the setting. The
changes apply to all subsequent sets. If you want to use different settings for the
subsequent sets, use the arrow key to select the corresponding set and then
change the settings. When you are finished confirm your changes by pressing
NEXT. Or press BACK to return to the start mode.
If you want to change your individual movement range, touch Start Position. Get into start
position. After a few seconds your position will be stored and End Settings will be highlighted.
Get into end position. After a few seconds this position will also be stored and the highlight
will disappear.
The device now check the load setting. You will be notified, if the load setting does
not correspond to the load on the chip card. Correct the load setting and press
You now access the workout mode. The display depends on the workout mode:
a) dynamic workout The Cockpit displays the number of completed sets and
repetitions. The movement range determined at the beginning will be illustrated by
a column. The target speed for the exercise is illustrated by a grey frame, the actual
speed by a green bar. Repetitions are only valid if the determined movement range
is reached (green area in the upper and lower area of the graphic).
b) static workout: The Cockpit displays the remaining hold duration. The target hold
duration for the exercise is illustrated by a grey frame, the actual hold duration by a
green bar. The hold duration will only be accepted within the set end position (grey
frame). If you leave the hold position the hold duration will stop and Lift will be
displayed. At the end of the hold duration Release will be displayed.
c) countdown workout: The Cockpit displays the number of completed sets and
repetitions and the remaining countdown. The actual exercise speed is represented
by a green bar. Repetitions are only valid if the determined movement range is
reached (green area in the upper and lower area of the graphic).
When all conditions are met (repetitions or end of countdown) or if you press STOP
you access the PAUSE mode.
The predefined duration of the pause will be displayed in the monitor. Press the
CORRECT button to return to the exercise settings. Here you can change any
parameters. At the end of the pause mode you will return to the workout mode.
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