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upwards. Your elbows should be at the height of the machine’s rotation axis and
almost completely extended (also see Chapter 5.4).
Now contract your torso muscles, and bend your arms against the resistance of the
machine. Lift your forearms upwards in a semicircular curve. The motion originates
from the elbows only and should stop when your forearms reach the vertical line.
Breathe out when you exert strain against the resistance. Maintain this position
Now straighten your arms and return the handles, making sure to maintain control.
Stop the return motion when your arms are almost completely extended. Make sure
not to hyperextend your elbow joints as this increases the stress on your elbows.
Breathe in during the return sequence.
Adopt the right exercise position: Sit on the seat so that your upper body touches
the back pad. Place your feet about shoulder width apart. Rest your upper arms on
the arm pads. Grasp the handlebars with your hands. Your palms are facing each
other. Your elbows should be at the height of the machine’s rotation axis and your
Principal muscles worked:
M. pectoralis major
M. pectoralis minor
M. triceps brachii
Start position
End position