Transmit Queues Configuration Screen
802.1 Configuration Menu Screens
2. Type in the number of the port having the default priority changed.
3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Default Priority field at the bottom of the screen. The screen
refreshes and displays the current settings of the port in the Port # field.
4. Press the SPACE bar to step to the appropriate value, 0 through 7. The 0 selection is the lowest
level priority.
5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command at the bottom of the screen.
6. Press ENTER. The message “SAVED OK” displays and the setting is saved. This new setting
will be reflected in the Advanced Port Priority Configuration screen the next time it is displayed.
When to Use
To configure the operational mode of the transmit queues to either STRICT 802.1 or WEIGHTED.
This enables individual ports or all ports to be set to either transmit frames according to the priority
transmit queues set in the Advanced Priority Configuration screen, or transmit frames according to
a priority based on a percentage of the port transmission capacity allocated for each transmit
In the STRICT 802.1 mode, frames are transmitted strictly according to the priorities set in the
Advanced Priority Configuration screen. In this mode all frames with a transmit queue of Q3 are
transmitted first, followed by those with transmit queues of Q2, then Q1, and finally Q0.
In the WEIGHTED mode, a percentage (weighted value) is user assigned to establish the amount
of transmission capacity assigned to frames associated with each priority transmit queue
(Q0 through Q3 with Q0 being the lowest priority transmit queue). This allows the modification of
the strict priority queues so that frames with the lower priority queues are guaranteed some access
time to the transmitter.
For example, the transmit queues could be set as follows:
Q3 to 50%, so at least 50% of the Q3 frames are transmitted.
Q2 to 25%, so at least 25% of the Q2 frames are transmitted.
Q1 to 25%, so at least 25% of the Q1 frames are transmitted.
Q0 to 0%, no Q0 frames will be transmitted until Q3, Q2, and Q1 frames are transmitted.
NOTE: The Transmit Queues Configuration
screen does not display when the
operational mode of the SmartSwitch device is set to SECURE FAST VLAN.
Section 4.2.9
provides instructions for setting the operational mode.