Instructional Leaflet
Technical Support: 1-800-815-2258
This instructional leaflet contains general installation
information for the LCR 6200 Radio Frequency Load
Control Switch. The LCR 6200 RFN is used to control
remote electric loads and it is activated by
commands sent over Eaton’s Cooper Power
Systems’ Radio Frequency (RF) mesh network.
The LCR 6200 RFN uses an RF SelectCom™ module
to provide two-way communication with the
Yukon™ master station. Once powered-up, the LCR
will automatically form a communication path back
to the Yukon master station.
Advanced security features provide both over-the-air
and local port security. All local port connections and
over-the-air commands are logged to provide
traceability of actions.
The data log records the actual time of state
changes, for the control relay and appliances, to
provide improved granularity of runtime and
shedtime information.
No special test equipment or programming is
required to install the LCR 6200 RFN in the field.
The LCR 6200 RFN addressing must be configured
for your demand response system prior to operation.
Observe precautions for handling
electrostatic sensitive devices.
Respectez les précautions de
manipulation des dispositifs à décharge
LCR 6200 RFN
Load Control Switch (Brazil)
Dangerous voltages are present. Equipment damage, personal injury, and death can result if safety
precautions are not followed. Use authorized utility procedures to install, test, and service the LCR 6200 RFN.
Présence de tensions dangereuses. Tout défaut de se conformer aux mesures de sécurité
peut entraîner un bris d'équipement, une blessure corporelle ou même la mort. Servez-vous des procédures
autorisées par l'entreprise de services pour installer, tester et entretenir le LCR 6200 RFN.