Report No. 28-AC-020
Dec 3/18
Leading edge tape, as supplied by the Enstrom Customer
Service Department, can be installed on the leading edge
of the main rotor blades. If the tape is installed, it must
be inspected prior to each flight. Look for blisters,
bubbles, holes, or separation from the blade. If any
defects are found, it must be removed, repaired, or
replaced before further flight. If the helicopter is
operated in rain, the tape life may be shortened
considerably. Separation of part or all of the blade tape
can cause an extremely rough rotor system. In this
event, the helicopter should be landed as soon as
practical and the rotor system, blades and tape
inspected prior to further flight.
2. Tail Rotor
The tail anti-torque rotor counteracts the torque of the
main rotor and functions to maintain or change the
helicopter heading. The tail rotor is a two-bladed,
teetering, delta-hinge type assembly.
3. Rotor Tachometer
The rotor RPM indicator is part of a dual-purpose
tachometer that also reads engine RPM.
7-11. Flight Controls
1. Cyclic Control
The cyclic control stick is a curved tube extending from
the floor up between the legs of the pilot. The direction
of stick movement results in a change of the plane of
rotation of the main rotor and will produce a
corresponding directional movement of the helicopter
through the longitudinal and lateral modes of flight. The
stick grip incorporates a trigger-type switch used for
radio transmissions and intercom; a trim switch located
on the top of the cyclic stick grip to control the
longitudinal and lateral stick forces; and a push-button
switch configured for an avionics or equipment
installation option. Prior to S/N 2167, this switch is
configured to turn the forward landing light on and off.
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