FAA Approved: Nov 26/13
Rev. 9
Report No. 28-AC-020
Nov 5/13
3-12. Main Rotor Gearbox and Tail Rotor Gearbox
1. Main Rotor Transmission Temperature
If the main rotor transmission temperature exceeds red
line, reduce power. If the temperature remains above red
line, make a power-on landing as soon as possible.
2. Main Rotor Transmission Chip Light
If the main rotor transmission chip light (MRGB CHIP)
comes on in flight and the transmission temperature is
below the red line, monitor the temperature and land as
soon as practicable. On landing, remove and inspect the
chip detector (reference NOTE below).
If the main rotor transmission chip light is accompanied
by high transmission temperatures, land as soon as
3. Tail Rotor Transmission Chip Light
If the tail rotor transmission chip light (TRGB CHIP)
comes on in flight, make a power-on landing as soon as
practicable and inspect the chip detector (reference
NOTE below).
New or recently overhauled gearboxes generally
generate a ferrous “fuzz” which will collect around
the chip detector as a gray sludge. This type of
contamination is normal and may be cleaned off
with a soft cloth, and the chip detector may be
reinstalled and the flight continued. Any metallic
chip greater than 1/16 inch in diameter or cross
section, or chip light accompanied by high
transmission temperature is cause for
discontinuation of normal flight. In the event of
finding large chips, please contact your nearest
Enstrom Service Center or the Enstrom Product
Support. Specific instructions in removal, checking,
and reinstallation of the chip detector may be
found in Section 8, para. 8-5, item 11.
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