8. For experienced users: Serial interface RS 232/RS 422/RS 485
transmission protocols
Data bits:
even, odd, mark, space
Stop bits:
1, 2
SOH Unit address STX Message ETX BCC
Unit address:
‘0’’0’..’9‘’9’ presettable in set up.
Unit address:
‘A‘’A’ is the broadcast address (always functions independently of
the unit address).
Exclusive Or link of all Bytes in the message inclusively ETX.
On incorrect BCC the unit answers with NAK and returns to its
basic mode “Wait for SOH”.
On all other transmission faults (e.g. parity error, protocol error, etc.) the unit returns
to basic mode “Wait for SOH”.
The receive time-out time between two characters is 1 second.
The unit only operates in slave mode, this means it only transmits data after a
command from the master. The slave answers with its own unit address.
The character set (expanded ASCII character set of an IBM PC without graphic
Special character 252: sub text 2
Special character 254: high text 3
All control characters between 1h (SOH) and 15h (NAK as well as FFh in the data
block are transmitted in two Bytes. Here the first Byte FFh and the second Byte 80h
are ored with he Byte to be transmitted. Is the second Byte FFh, the Byte to be
transmitted was FFh.
Byte to be transmitted: 12h
Transmitted is: FFh 92h
8.1 Setting up
Transmission sequence
To unit:
SOH Unit address STX Command ETX BCC
From unit: SOH Unit address STX Answer ETX BCC
Commands and answers are transmitted between STX and ETX.
8. For experienced users: Serial interface RS 232/RS 422/RS 485 transmission protocols