The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 176
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd GetFCFInfo <WWPN>
Description: Show the FCF information of the FC port.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the adapter.
Diagnostic Commands
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd EchoTest <WWPN Source> <WWPN Destination> <Count> <StopOnError> <Pattern>
Description: Runs the echo test on adapters.
Source WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the originating adapter.
Destination WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the destination (echoing) adapter.
Count - Number of times to run the test. 0 = run test infinitely.
StopOnError - Should the test be halted on Error? 0 = No halt, 1 = Halt.
Pattern - Hexadecimal data pattern to transmit (up to 8 characters).
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd GetBeacon <WWPN | MAC>
Description: Shows the current beacon status for the adapter specified by the WWPN or MAC address.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the FC port whose current beacon you want to view.
MAC - MAC address of the NIC or iSCSI port whose current beacon you want to view.
Supported by: Windows, Solaris SFS, Linux and VMware ESX Server
Syntax: hbacmd SetBeacon <WWPN | MAC> <BeaconState>
Description: Sets the current beacon status for the adapter specified by the WWPN or MAC address.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the FC port whose beacon state you want to change.
MAC - MAC address of the NIC or iSCSI port whose beacon state you want to change.
BeaconState - New state of the beacon: 0 = Off, 1= On
Note: Diagnostic commands are not available using the CIM interface.
Note: Not supported for OneConnect adapters.
Note: Support for remote adapter is TCP/IP access only. The EchoTest command fails if the
target WWPN does not support the ECHO ELS command.