The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 149
End-to-End (ECHO)
Test results and the status of running tests are time stamped and appear in the Test Log area.
Figure 87: Diagnostic Test Setup
Running Loopback Tests
To run a loopback test, use the Loopback Test section of the Advanced Diagnostics dialog box.
Loopback Test Combinations
Run the following loopback test combinations using the appropriate checkboxes:
PCI Loopback Test - A firmware controlled diagnostic test in which a random data pattern is
routed through the PCI Bus without being sent to an adapter link port. The returned data is
subsequently validated for integrity.
Internal Loopback Test - A diagnostic test in which a random data pattern is sent down to an
adapter link port, then is immediately returned without actually going out on the port. The
returned data is subsequently validated for integrity.
Note: You cannot run the External Loopback test and ECHO test concurrently. If you select
External Loopback the ECHO test section is disabled and vice versa.