The OneCommand Utility User Manual
Page 8
cd /usr/sbin/hbanyware
Run the install script. Type:
When prompted, enter the Web server's document root directory. For example:
Solaris SFS:
You are provided with the IP address of the host and asked if that is the IP address that the Web
server uses. Answer <y> or <n> as appropriate. If you answer <n>, you are prompted for the IP
address you want to use.
You are asked if your Web server is listening on the normal default HTTP port (80). Answer <y>
or <n> as appropriate. If you answer <n>, you are prompted for the port you want to use.
Once you have entered the necessary information, you are notified when the installation of the
OneCommand Manager application Web Launch package is complete. The Web Launch config-
uration files are created and Web Launch Service automatically starts.
To verify the installation, locate another client, open a Web browser window and enter this URL
according to this format:
where IP_ADDR is the IP address of host on which you installed the OneCommand Manager
application Web Launch service, and PORT_NUM is the TCP port number of the listening host’s
Web server. The standard OneCommand Manager application user interface is displayed.
Installing the OneCommand Manager Application Command Line Interface
The OneCommand
Manager application Command Line Interface (CLI) is a comprehensive
management utility for Emulex host bus adapters (HBAs) and converged network adapters (CNAs) that
provides support for commonly used commands without requiring installation of the OneCommand
Manager application Graphical User Interface (GUI). The OneCommand Manager application CLI is a
separate application with core driver kits that do not include the OneCommand Manager application
GUI. The OneCommand Manager CLI console application name is hbacmd and can be installed on
Windows, Solaris, Linux and versions of VMware ESX Server that include a Console Operating System
(COS). A single operation is performed by entering ’hbacmd’ followed by the command at the command
line. For syntax information and details on using the OneCommand Manager application CLI, see “Using
the CLI Client” on page 160.
Note: It is not necessary to enter a port number if the standard HTTP port was chosen
during configuration.