Reference Manual
00809-0100-4022, Rev GA
September 2016
Figure 4-2. HART Menu Tree
1. Process Variable
2. Diagnostics and
3. Basic Setup
4. Detailed Setup
5. Review Menus
1. Date
2. Descriptor
3. Message
4. Write protect
5. Conf Write Protect
6. Model
7. Model Number 1
8. Model Number II
9. Model Number III
1. Sensors
2. Signal
3. Output
4. Device
1. # of diap. seals
2. Seal type
3. Seal fill fluid
4. RS isoltr matl
1.Field Device Info
2.Sensor Information
3.Self Test
4.Diaphragm Seal Info
2. Date
3. Descriptor
4. Message
5. Model
6. Model Number I
7. Model Number II
8. Model Number III
9. Write protect
1. Poll addr
2. Num req preams
3. Burst mode
4. Burst option
1.Press Alert
2.Temp Alert
3.Config Press Alert
4.Config Temp Alert
1. Meas typ
2. Module config type
3. Isoltr matl
4. Fill fluid
5. Process Connector
6. Process Conn Matl
7. O ring matl
8. Drain vent matl
1.Temp Hiu Alert Val
2.Temp Lo Alert Val
3.Snsr Temp USL
4.Snsr Temp LSL
1. Device Setup
2. PV
3. AO
1.Temp Hi Alert Val
2.Temp Lo Alert Val
3. Snsr Temp USL
4. Snsr Temp LSL
1. Loop test
2. D/A trim
3. Scaled D/A trim
4. Alarm Direction
1. Press
2. % Range
3. AP
4. Snsr temp
1. Press
2. % Range
3. AO
4. Snsr temp
1. PVis
2. SVis
3. TVis
1. Process Variables
2. Analog Output
3. HART Output
4. Reserved
5. Process Alerts
6. Variable Remapping
1. Process Variables
2. Range Values
3. Unit
4. Xfer fnctn
5. Damp
6. Snsr temp Unit
1. Pressure Sensor
2. Device Temp Sensor
1.Keypad Input
2.Apply Values
2. Unit
3. Range Values
4. Device Information
5. Xfer fnctn
6. Damp
1. Keypad Input
2. Apply Values
1.Test Device
2. Loop Test
3. Calibration
1. Pressure
2. Percent of Range
3. Analog Output
4. Sensor Temp.
1. Re-Range
2. Analog Input Trim
3. Sensor Trim
4. Recall fact trim
Aotewell Ltd
Industry Automation