PCM-22 Rotary Knife Controller
© EMERSON Motion Control
The following signal interpretation modes apply to all the
synchronization modes of operation.
Mode 1 (+ and -):
When the Master axis moves either CW or CCW, the
Follower axis will move in its commanded direction. If the Master axis
changes direction the Follower axis will continue in the original
commanded direction. The Follower axis will not reverse direction.
Mode 2 (+):
The Follower will only react to synchronization pulses when
the Master axis runs in the CW direction. CCW Master axis pulses are
Mode 3 (-):
The Follower will only react to synchronization pulses when
the Master axis runs in the CCW direction. CW Master axis pulses are
Mode 4 (COMP +):
The Follower will only react to synchronization pulses
when the Master axis runs in the CW direction. The drive counts the
pulses received in the CCW direction and ignores that exact number of
CW pulses before Follower motion in the CW direction occurs.
This feature compensates for Master axis motion in the opposite (CCW)
direction. For example, the Master stops, then inadvertently backs up
due to conveyer slack, etc.
Mode 5 (COMP -):
The Follower axis will only react to synchronization
pulses when the Master axis runs in the CCW direction. The drive
counts the pulses received in the CW direction and ignores that exact
number of CCW pulses before Follower motion in the CCW direction
occurs. This feature compensates for Master axis motion in the opposite
(CW) direction.
Maximum Velocity
The Master maximum velocity is the maximum frequency that the
Master axis signal source is expected to produce when running at its’ full
speed. To calculate the Master maximum velocity, use the following
Master MaxVelocity
Sec Min
MV = Master Axis Maximum Velocity (RPM's)
MS = Master Steps/Rev
If encoder is master: MS = (Encoder Line Density)*(4)
If drive is master: MS = 4096
For example:
The Master axis is a 1000 line encoder and rotates at a
maximum speed of 3000 rpm, and, when quadratured, produces 4000
steps per revolution. Then:
Re )
200 000
Sec Min
Steps Per Second
This value is the Master encoder velocity at which synchronized time
base and real time base are equal. This parameter is used to calculate
actual Follower velocity while running in synchronized time base.