SMG Digital Gateway
Active dial plan count —
quantity of simultaneously active dial plans; you may configure up to 16
(up to 255 on SMG-2016 if there is a VAS license) independent dial plans with an ability to add
subscribers and create custom call routing table.
Numbering plan wait for applying
– if checked, SMG will not apply setting without confirming. The
specifying of the feature helps to operate with long dial plans. It allows you to avoid long
processing of dial plans after each change in settings.
Local disk drive for alarm logging
— select the device used for critical alarm message storage into
non-volatile memory. This option may be required for troubleshooting device restart or failure
/mnt/sda 1
— select path to a local storage device. When this option is enabled, the file
'alarm.txt' containing alarm data will be created on the storage device.
Example of alarm.txt file:
0. 24/09/13 20:03:22. Software started.
1. 24/09/13 20:03:22. state ALARM. Sync from local source, but sync source table not empty
2. 24/09/13 20:03:22. state OK. PowerModule#1. Unit ok! or absent
3. 24/09/13 20:03:31. state OK. MSP-module lost: 1
4. 24/09/13 20:03:34. state OK. MSP-module lost: 2
5. 24/09/13 20:03:38. state OK. MSP-module lost: 3
6. 24/09/13 20:03:42. state OK. MSP-module lost: 4
File format description:
0, 1, 2… — event sequence number
24/09/13 — event occurrence date
20:03:22 — event occurrence time
ALARM/OK — event current state (ОК — alarm is resolved, ALARM — alarm is active)
Table 16 — Alarm message examples
Alarm message
Configuration error
Configuration file error
SIPT-module lost
Failure of a software module responsible for VoIP operation
Linkset down
SS7 link set failure
E1-Line alarmed
E1 stream failure
SS7-Link alarmed
SS7 signal channel failure
Sync from local source, but sync source table
not empty
Synchronization source is lost
E1-Line Remote-alarm
E1 stream remote fault
Sync from not most priority source
Primary synchronization source is lost,current source has
lower priority
FTP error. CDR-send failed
Failed to send CDR file to FTP server
Software started
Device software startup
Using VoIP submodules
— select SM-VP submodules, which will be in operation.