SMG Digital Gateway
call duration
SMG IP address
incoming trunk name for this call
arrival time of the SETUP/INVITE message in hh:mm:ss.uuu t www
MMM dd yyyy format
reception time of the CONNECT/200 OK message issued by the called
party in hh:mm:ss.uuu t www MMM dd yyyy format
reception time of DISCONNECT/BYE issued by one of the parties in
hh:mm:ss.uuu t www MMM dd yyyy format; if the call is unsuccessful,
time of the message is specified upon reception of which SMG begins
call termination procedure (CANCEL, other)
determined from incoming trunk settings:
source IP address or E1 stream number [by default]
incoming trunk name
SIP message Call-ID field value for the incoming connection branch.
SIP message Call-ID field value for the outgoing connection branch.
Local IP address of the device for the incoming connection branch RTP
session establishment.
Remote IP address of the communicating device for the incoming
connection branch RTP session establishment.
Local IP address of the device for the outgoing connection branch RTP
session establishment.
Remote IP address of the communicating device for the outgoing
connection branch RTP session establishment.
Conversation record file name. For instance: