Example 2:
PC Request:
:010380000004 77 CR LF (request for 4 records of 113 bytes each, starting from the first address 8000h)
Microvip3 Plus Response (hexadecimal value) in case of a campaign of samples in Three-phase, Standard 1 mode (i.e. kWh e kvarh energy meters ),
Star insertion.
01 = address
03 = reading command
E2 = number of transmitted words
D1= 40 (configuration)
The first byte of each record is that one included in the configuration of the instrument at the moment of the measurement storing inside
the internal memory . Its format is:
Bit 7, 6 = campaign type
( 00 = rms measure, 01 = samples)
Bit 5 = single-phase / three-phase
( 0 = single-phase, 1 = three-phase)
Bit 4, 3 = instrument configuration
( 00 = Standard 1,
01 = Standard 2,
10 = Cog 4)
Bit 2 = insertion type
( 0 = Star,
1 = Delta)
Bit 1, 0 = phase number
( 00 = phase 1,
01 = phase 2,
10 = phase 3)
D2 = 02 (day)
D3 = 06 (month) D4 = 63 (hex year) log date: 2 June 1999
D5 = 00 (seconds)
D6 = 03 (minutes) D7 = 09 (hours) log hour : 09:03:00
D8 =
voltage frame starting identifier (the lowest nibble is the scale)
( A1 hex = voltage scale 1, A2 hex = voltage scale 2, A3 hex = voltage scale 3)
D9, D10 =
first frame number of samples ( C8, 00) (LSB, MSB)
D11, D12 =
voltage zero (E8, 08) (LSB, MSB)
D13, D14, D15 =
voltage calibration factor (LSB, MSB, EXP)
D16..D215 =
200 voltage samples: the phase is indicated by bit 0 and bit 1 of D1
D216 =
current frame starting identifier (the lowest nibble is the scale)
(C1 hex = current scale 1, C2 hex = current scale 2, C3 hex = current scale 3)
D217, D218 =
second frame number of samples (C8, 00) (LSB, MSB)
D219, D220 =
current zero (E2, 08) (LSB, MSB)
D221, D222, D223 = voltage calibration factor (LSB, MSB, EXP)
D224..D423 =
200 current samples: the phase is indicated by bit 0 and bit 1 of D1
D424 =
measurement tag identifier (E0)
D425, D426, D427 = Frequency ( 8813 FC = 50.0 Hz) (LSB, MSB, EXP)
D428, D429, D430, D431, D432, D433
21 03 45 67 89 56 (Positive Wh counter equal to 210345.678956 MWh )
byte 21 = 2 Wh * 10 exp 11 + 1 Wh * 10 exp 10
byte 03 = 0 Wh * 10 exp 9 + 3 Wh * 10 exp 8
byte 45 = 4 Wh * 10 exp 7 + 5 Wh * 10 exp 6
byte 67 = 6 Wh * 10 exp 5 + 7 Wh * 10 exp 4
byte 89 = 8 Wh * 10 exp 3 + 9 Wh * 10 exp 2
byte 56 = 5 Wh * 10 exp 1 + 6 Wh * 10 exp 0
D434 D435 D436 D437 D438 D439
12 34 56 00 00 00 (Positive varh equal to 123456.000000 Mvarh )
D440 D441 D442 D443 D444 D445
00 00 12 34 00 00 (Negative Wh equal to 000012.340000 MWh )
D446 D447 D448 D449 D450 D451
00 34 56 00 00 00 (Negative varh equal to 003456.000000 Mvarh )
D452 = Checksum calculated from D1 up to D451in the following way:
all the bytes from D1 to D451 are summed;
the calculated value is divided into 256 and the remainder is saved;
the remainder is subtracted from 256 to obtain the value stored in D452.
LRC (checksum calculated on the whole string starting from the address up to D452 in the same mode as D452 is calculated)
UART Reset
The UART is reset to the programming value previously set on Microvip3 Plus.
PC Request:
Microvip3Plus Response:
:01 05 0007 0000 LRC crlf