The MICROVIP3 PLUS is a low cost, class 1 (IEC1036) high technology portable analyzer for both single phase and
three phase systems, manufactured by ELCONTROL ENERGY and supplied complete with three 1000A clip-on CTs,
voltage leads and all accessories in strong carry case.
The MICROVIP3 PLUS is capable of performing 189 true effective value measurements on an unbalanced three phase
system starting from three voltage and three current measurements: 33 parameters are displayed on its crisp high-
contrast back-lit LCD, 156 only on its built-in printer.
The instrument comes complete with a printer for manually controlled or automatic timed printout of all measurements,
as well as a calendar/clock for the display and printout of time and date.
The instrument can operate from 230 VAC Voltage supply (110VAC model is also available) or from internal
rechargeable batteries with an autonomy of over 7 hours provided no printing is performed and the display back-lit is
switched off.
A non-volatile flash 1 MB on-board memory provides data storage over extended survey periods including waveform
capture for current and voltage.
The MICROVIP3 PLUS is fitted with an RS232 port for connection to a Personal Computer for remote data control and
fast download via high-speed serial link.
The instrument has been designed for portable, mobile use in industrial environments.
The MICROVIP3 PLUS measures average three-phase and phase-neutral true rms voltage on all three phases, (max 600
Vrms), equivalent three phase current and true rms current per phase, total three phase power and power per phase, total
three-phase power factor and power factor per phase, reactive and apparent three phase system power, frequency, active
and reactive energy consumption/export, voltage and current total harmonic distortion per phase.
MICROVIP3 PLUS memorises energy consumption up to 999999 MWh and MVArh/MVAh and also memorises
active, reactive and apparent power peaks integrated using the technique of mobile averages over 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30
or 60 minutes.
The basic model, supplied with three 1000A AC clamp meters, is capable of measuring power level from a minimum of
35W (5V, 7A) single phase to a maximum of 1,80MW (600V 1000A) three phase.
Optional AC clamp meters for up to 3000A and other DC models are also available.
All external CT/PT ratios, star/delta connection and power integration period are fully programmable.
The built-in 42 column graphic printer provides additional 156 parameters against manual print commands, and is
coupled to a calendar-clock to print out date and time along with measurements and to permit the generation of
automatically timed printed printouts at intervals of 1 to 99 minutes (with all measurements related to the printout start
time): data includes V & I harmonics to 24th multiple with both DC component and Displacement factor, and V & I
waveform/harmonic bar chart printout.
The MICROVIP3 PLUS is intended for use by electrical power users who need to obtain an in-depth knowledge of their
plant and systems. It is also extremely useful for plant engineers, installers, maintenance engineers and electricians in
fault diagnosis and in the adjustment and repair of active electrical plant.
The MICROVIP3 PLUS enables you to:
Control loads and consumption;
Reduce overloads and power loss;
Check on the correct sizing of new plant entering service;
Prevent overheating and insulation problems;
Solve power factor correction problems;
Identify and eliminate load peaks and associated power problems;
Check 400 Hz naval plants and 600 Hz aeronautical plant;
Check uninterrupted power supplies with AC inputs and DC outputs;
Measure asymmetrical signal for PWM controllers.