- Reading in eeprom of the flag for selection of Standard /Cogeneration 4
:,AA,03H,0000,0001, LRC, CR,LF ------>
<------ :,AA,03H,02,D1,D2,LRC,CR,LF
-AA = 01 = address of the MICROVIP3 PLUS selected(2 bytes ascii)
-03H = Code of the command for reading of N words(2 bytes ascii)
-0000 = address from which the reading starts (4 bytes ascii)
-0001 = Number of words to be read (2 bytes ascii)
-LRC = Longitudinal Redundancy Check (2 bytes ascii)
-CR = 0DH (1 byte ascii)
-LF = 0AH (1 byte ascii)
-02 = Number of bytes read
-D1 = not used
-D2 = b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 bit
- - - - - - 0 - ==> n o co g en era tion (S tan d ard 1 /2 )
- - - - - - 1 - ==> cog. 4 (W h , V A rh , -W h , -V A rh ).
E.g. :
-Selection Cogeneration 4
Reading string :
: 01 03 0000 0001 FB cr lf
Response from MICROVIP3 PLUS :
: 01 03 02 01 52 A7 cr lf
- Reading in eeprom of the flag for selection of Standard 1/Standard 2
:,AA,03H,00CC,0001, LRC, CR,LF ------>
<------ :,AA,03H,02,D1,D2,LRC,CR,LF
-AA = 01 = address of the MICROVIP3 PLUS selected(2 bytes ascii)
-03H = Code of the command for reading of N words(2 bytes ascii)
-00CC = address from which the reading starts (4 bytes ascii)
-0001 = Number of words to be read (2 bytes ascii)
-LRC = Longitudinal Redundancy Check (2 bytes ascii)
-CR = 0DH (1 byte ascii)
-LF = 0AH (1 byte ascii)
-02 = Number of bytes read
-D1 = not used
-D2 = b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 bit
0 - - - - - - - ==> Standard 1 (Wh, VArh)
1 - - - - - - - ==> Standard 2 (Wh, VAh)
Note: this reading has meaning only if no cogeneration is selected
E.g. :
-Standard 2
Reading string :
: 01 03 00CC 0001 2F cr lf
Response from MICROVIP3 PLUS :
: 01 03 02 02 82 76 cr lf