A.3 Reading of Voltage and Current waveforms samples
The PC Requests for 200 samples of V and I waveforms are:
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
0103040000202 Check CR LF
:010305000202 Check CR LF
:010306000202 Check CR LF
Microvip3 Plus Response:
:01 03 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 V1..V200 D10 D11D12 D13D14 D15 D16 D17 I1..I200 CS CRLF
: = start of Modbus string
01 = Microvip3 Plus default address
03 = command for data reading
D1 = number of frames inside the data buffer; "frame" means 200 voltage samples (first frame) or 200 current samples (second frame)
D2 = type of the first frame of 200 samples (the lowest nibble is the scale)
Voltage samples, scale 1: D2 = A1 hex
Voltage samples, scale 2: D2 = A2 hex
Voltage samples, scale 3: D2 = A3 hex
D3 = first frame samples number (LSB)
D4 = first frame samples number (MSB)
D5 = first frame samples zero (LSB)
D6 = first frame samples zero (MSB)
D7 = first frame calibration factor (LSB)
D8 = first frame calibration factor (MSB)
D9 = first frame calibration factor (EXP)
V1...V200 = samples of the first frame (voltage buffer)
D10 = type of the second frame of 200 samples ( the lowest nibble is the scale )
Current samples, scale 3: D10 = C3 hex
Current samples, scale 4: D10 = C4 hex
Current samples, scale 6: D10 = C6 hex
D11 = second frame samples number (LSB)
D12 = second frame samples number (MSB)
D13 = second frame samples zero (LSB)
D14 = second frame samples zero (MSB)
D15 = second frame calibration factor (LSB)
D16 = second frame calibration factor (MSB)
D17 = second frame calibration factor (EXP)
I1...I200 = samples of the second frame (current buffer)
CS = checksum Modbus
The "snapshot" of 200 voltage and 200 current samples, followed by the values of the frequency of phase 1 and positive/negative kWh and
kvarh can be requested to the instrument as follows:
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
:010304000021A Check CR LF
:01030500021A Check CR LF
:01030600021A Check CR LF
Microvip3 Plus Response
:01 03 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 V1..V200 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 I1..I200
Up to I200 the string is the same than the previous one.
The remaining data are:
DF0 = third data frame starting identifier (E0 hexadecimal)
DF1,DF2 = Frequency Hz (BCD) (LSB, MSB)
DF3 = Frequency (hexadecimal) (EXP)