Chapter 12: IKE/IPsec Commands
Efficient Networks
Router family
Command Line Interface Guide
Page 12-4
Efficient Networks
ipsec enable
Enables a defined IPSec security association en-
ipsec flush
Clears all IPSec definitions.
ipsec list
Lists one or all of the IPSec security association
(SA) entries.
ipsec set authentication
Selects authentication for the IPSec SA using ei-
ther SHA-1 (Secure Hashing Algorithm 1) or MD5
(Message Digest 5).
ipsec set authkey
Specifies the authentication key for the IPSec se-
curity authentication (SA).
ipsec set direction
Defines the direction of the IPSec security authen-
tication (SA).
ipsec set compression
Selects either LZ compression or no compression
for the IPSec security authentication (SA).
ipsec set enckey
Specifies the encryption key for the IPSec security
authentication (SA).
ipsec set encryption
Selects the method of encryption used for the IP-
Sec security authentication (SA): no encryption,
DES (56-bit) encryption, or 3DES (168-bit) encryp-
ipsec set gateway
Defines the IP address of the IP gateway of the IP-
Sec security authentication (SA).
ipsec set ident
Specifies the identifier (SPID) for the IPSec tunnel.
ipsec set mode
Selects the encapsulation mode (tunnel or trans-
port) for the SA.
ipsec set service
Selects the authentication and/or encryption ser-
vices used for the IPSec SA.
Table 12-1: Internet Key Exchange Command Listing (Cont.)