4.2.4 Ventilation Duct
To exhaust hot air, suck off the air inside the cover from the ventilating duct port at
the top of the pump cover. Without proper ventilation, the temperature inside the
cover will continue to rise until an WARNING is generated. This will result in
serious problems.
For safety, be sure to ventilate through the ventilation duct when the pump is used
to exhaust toxic and/or inflammable gases. Do not combine the ventilation duct
with the pump exhaust piping .
Even when the pump is used for exhausting process gases that are not toxic and/or
inflammable, do not combine the ventilation duct with the pump exhaust piping. The
exhaust noise of the pump will give rise to acoustic resonance inside the pump unit
and result in an abnormal noise being generated.
Never operate the pump without pump cover for safety.