Mounting- and Operating Instruction Eaton LoadStar-S JSB
40071860396 March 2021 www.ceag.de
16 Device Configuration
Subscribe to IO/3PM-IO
Adding a subscribed module
The configuration for the IO/3PM-IO modules is done in the
same way as subscribing to the loading part information.
First a new module must be added manually.
Menu > IO/ 3PM-IO Setup (Add / Delete active) > Click the
module location (1-25) until the corresponding module type
(IO / 3PM-IO) is selected.
Settings of the subscribed module
Menu > IO/ 3PM-IO Setup (configuration active) >Module
In addition to the device address (ACU Bus ID) the number
(1-25) of the external module must be selected (Sub. IO/
3PM). When assigning the modules, it does not matter
from which device to which device the modules are linked.
So modules from a substation can be subscribed to the
main station or to a device independent of this battery.
System boundaries
Since the transfer rate on the ACU bus is limited, a maxi-
mum of 50 3PM-IO modules may be published to meet
the prescribed response times. Time-uncritical information,
such as ACU inputs with the programmed „switch“ func-
tion, can be subscribed to or published as required.
An indication of how much information is already published
on the ACU bus is provided by the Group Device Status
menu. The information „Total pub“ shows the sum of all
published information (both time-critical and non-time-
Adding a module
Subscription settings
Number of published information