© 2006 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X036 Operation Manual
August 2006
Application Example
In a residential building, eight rooms are to be equipped with window and door contacts. All light
switches as well as two motion detectors are to be included in the system. When an alarm
occurs, a siren switches on and the police is informed via a telephone modem. A panel shows
the source of the alarm. The system should moreover make it possible to disable the alarm con-
tacts on each floor.
The alarm contacts are grouped room-wise (switched in series). Each room is assigned to a NO
contact within the range E1..E8. The source of the alarm is shown on a panel whose LED is acit-
vated via a mimic display. The addresses correspond to those of the alarm contacts. The alarm
is sounded through a horn, which is activated via a relay on address F3. The alarm can be turned
on and off by the Manual Armouring function on F1 in the input range or through the Code Lock
Armouring function at the entrance door. Disabling of floors is performed with two switches.
t6: After elapse of the alarm signal delay TM set at the object “Alarm signal”, the channel is briefly activated.
At the same time, the alarm contact is continuously switched off and the Manual Armouring output continu-
ously switched on.
t7: Activation of the Manual Armouring will acknowledge the alarm, and the Manual Armouring output will be
t8: Activating the Manual Armouring once more will bring the system back into the alert state - after the armour-
ing delay TFV.