Drucegrove DragonFly User Manual 1.4
Page 22
Integer value, zero by default.
When a floor designation changes, the system makes screen redrawing its top
priority and disables non-critical events and routines to ensure scrolling
and/or fading effects are smooth. After the scrolling and/or fading, the system
will catch up with missed events and routines. This can delay the next floor
change on very fast moving elevators. This setting will keep screen redrawing
as top priority for a specified number of milliseconds after a floor has
changed. For fast elevators, this setting can be set to a value between 2000
and 5000 to improve responsiveness.
Boolean value, false by default.
The IND055 2-Wire controller sends out four floor characters at a time (but
typically only 2 or 3 are actually used). This setting instructs the software to
wait for all four characters before updating the display. It is not generally
required, and can be left set to false.
Boolean value, false by default.
Floor levels have an integer address in the IND055 2-Wire Controller, and this
is sent out over the 2-Wire bus. The scroll direction of floor designation
characters is determined by the change in floor level address. If this setting is
set to true, the scroll direction will be determined by the elevator car
Integer value, zero by default.
If a positive non-zero value is used, this sets the interval (in milliseconds) of
the screen update timer. This setting should not have to be changed.
Boolean value, false by default.
When true, the elevator floor designation characters, floor level, direction, etc
will be sent out as UDP packets over the LAN. This can be used for displays
that aggregate the status of multiple elevators. The amount of information
that is sent out is determined by the BroadcastLiftInfoMode setting.
Integer value, zero by default.
Can be set to one of the following values to determine the elevator
information that should be broadcast when the EnableBroadcastLiftInfo
setting is true:
0 = Floor, Direction, Door Status and Message
1 = Floor, Direction and Door Status
2 = Floor and Direction
3 = Floor Only
Boolean value, false by default.
When the mouse is clicked on the screen, the space bar is pressed, or (where
touch screens are fitted) the screen is touched, a menu appears on the screen.
By default, the 4.3”, 5.7” and 7” displays have touch screen capability. As
these screens are primarily used with the RE1, if the RE1 is detected then a
menu is used which is optimised for touch. If an RE2 is detected, a menu is
used which is more comprehensive and intended for use with a mouse and
keyboard. Setting this value to true forces the software to use the touch
friendly menu, for cases where the RE2 is fitted to a 4.3”, 5.7” or 7” screen.