SECTION 06 Troubleshooting
If the "drain/rinse" function has not been performed, the accumulator
may contain ink under pressure. Take particular precautions
when draining it.
Connect the printer to the electrical supply, hold the hydraulic
half-connector on the ink circuit side in an appropriate
receptacle (500 cm
, half-closed) and manually open solenoid
valve "U11, Accu. pressure".
(Test solenoid valves function).
Wait until the pressure in the accumulator is released, close
U11 then disconnect the printer from the electrical supply
□ Open the left side door. Disconnect the motor control connector from the CPU board
and move the wires clear.
□ Loosen but do not remove the two screws holding the ink management module.
□ Via the hydraulic compartment, lift the ink management module to release the two
screws and the two bottom mounts.
□ Remove the ink management module from the console and disconnect the ribbon
cable from the CPU board (below the ink management module) while holding the
module, then disconnect the condenser venting hose.