SECTION 06 Troubleshooting
Releasing solenoid valve 0
Ink or additive may splash out during the procedure. Take
precautions, and wear gloves and safety glasses.
It is not necessary to remove the IMM from the console to release
solenoid valve 0.
Turn the printer On and select “Test ink solenoid valve U0”.
Open the right side door.
Remove the ink and additive cartridges.
Remove the cartridge support plate.
Remove the ink tip holder and check the needle for any clogs. Clean if necessary with
Protect the inside of the console under the IMM with absorbent paper or a cloth.
Using the cleaning flask, insert additive into the solenoid valve conduit while actuating it
(press and hold “test solenoid valve” until the valve releases).
Clean and dry the tip holder, change the O-ring and put the holder back in place.