This manual describes how to troubleshoot and service the DECbridge 500/600 se-
ries of bridges. Information includes a product overview and list of the various mod-
els, problem-solving methods, removal and replacement procedures, and guidelines
for configuring the units.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended primarily for qualified service personnel who will be re-
pairing the bridge to the field-replaceable unit level. The manual also contains gen-
eral information about the DECbridge 500/600 series that can be useful to Digital
Equipment Corporation training, services, and manufacturing personnel, as well as
system/network managers.
All procedures that deal with opening the unit for any reason are intended solely for
service personnel who have been trained to perform product maintenance and repair.
Knowledge of Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and IEEE 802.3/Ethernet is a
prerequisite for using this manual effectively.
Document Structure
This document has four chapters and three appendixes, as follows:
Chapter 1
Briefly introduces the various models of the DECbridge 500/600 se-
ries and compares their similarities and differences.
Chapter 2
Presents an approach to solving problems with the bridge. This in-
cludes a description of a normal power-up sequence, an overview of
the self-test diagnostics, troubleshooting charts, and procedures for
performing loopback tests.