9.6.4 Example 4: Power management rules dependent on bus tie breaker position
In this example CustomLogic is configured to set the section power management rules according to the position of the bus tie
breaker. The plant consists of four GENSET controllers and one BUS TIE breaker controller. The bus tie breaker separates
GENSET controller 1 and 2, from GENSET controller 3 and 4.
When the bus tie breaker is closed, GENSET controller 1 activates power management rules 1 for the section. All five
controller will use power management rules 1.
When the bus tie breaker is open, GENSET controller 1 activates power management rules 2 for the section and GENSET
controller 3 activates power management rules 3 for the section. GENSET controller 1 and 2 and the BUS TIE breaker
controller now use power management rules 2, since they are on the same section of the busbar. GENSET controller 3 and 4
now use power management rules 3, since they are on the same section of the busbar.
Logic restrictions
• The single line diagram must be the same on all controllers.
• CustomLogic must be activated on GENSET controller 1 and 3 and on the BUS TIE breaker controller.
• There must be a network connection between GENSET controller 1 and 3 and on the BUS TIE breaker controller.
Create the logic
BUS TIE breaker controller:
1. Connect to the BUS TIE breaker controller.
2. Go to
Configure > CustomLogic > Logic creator
and create a
with one
and one
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