EtherPath User’s Guide
Block Size
The maximum Ethernet packet buffer size. The minimum value is 1
byte, the maximum 4096 bytes (4 K). Typical values are either in a
low range of 10-20 characters for polling applications or very large
in the range of 500 to 1500 for file transfer applications.
Normally, the timer triggers a packet transmission before the block
fills. If the buffer contains BLOCKSIZE characters, an IP packet is
transmitted. This setting is rarely changed from the default.
Flow Control OFF Buffer Level
If the amount of data stored in the buffer reaches this point, and the
EtherPath is unable to transmit the data, then no further input will be
Under normal operation, this will not happen. This is normally left
at the default value.
Flow Control ON Buffer Level
Once the High_Water mark has been reached, the “no-input
accepted” mode will continue until the EtherPath has transmitted
enough data to reduce the buffer contents to this point. This is
normally left at the default value.
This setting is used to change the Line Terminator Character. The
Line Terminator Character causes any data in the buffer to be
transmitted immediately the character is received, provided: This is
the binary value of the trigger character.
The EtherPath is being used in “Client” mode.
The following setting (Transmit_on_LT_Char) is ON.