Terminal/Telnet Interface
The Signon screen displays the version number.
EtherPath V5.3
Device Name: GW0000B0
Physical Location: Head Office
Operational Mode: SERVER
Configuration setup.
[Press any key to continue]
Pressing any key will then take you to the Main Menu.
EtherPath Main Menu
1 Set Local & Remote IP Address,
Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address
2 Set Manager/Telnet IP Address
3 Serial Port Configuration
4 Advanced Configuration
5 Display Configuration Settings
6 Reset Configuration to Default
7 Save and Exit
8 Security Configuration
9 SNMP Configuration
0 Exit without Saving
Choose a Number =>
Each of these menu options is explained in the following pages.
Entering Data
Enter the number of the field you wish to change, followed (on the
same line) by a space and the data for that field.
For example:
On screen one, to set the IP address (field 1) to
=> 1