configuration to set a compatible IP Address in the
Check that you have used the correct port address. The
default address is “3000” for normal operation and “8000”
for configuration.
Is there a firewall in the Ethernet path. If so, it must be
configured to pass the ports in use by the EtherPath. Many
trouble calls are the result of firewall changes that block
the EtherPath ports.
Are you trying to connect to the EtherPath data port with a
web browser? That only works for configuration on port
Web Browsers often are configured to use a proxy server.
The browser might need to be configured to NOT use the
proxy when connecting to the EtherPath, or the proxy
server may be configured to pass the requests correctly.
MOST EtherPath connection problems are due to incorrect
RS-232 wiring. The second most common errors are
incorrect IP addressing on either the EtherPath or on the
PC used for testing.