Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
The m u ltip lier ap p lied to the inp u t frequ ency. The p ossible valu es are:
Frequ ency is m u ltip lied by 256 (PLC_rsI0_Mu ltip lier = Frequ encyX256)
Frequ ency is m u ltip lied by 16 (PLC_rsI0_Mu ltip lier = Frequ encyX16)
Frequ ency is m u ltip lied by 4096 (PLC_rsI0_Mu ltip lier = Frequ encyX4096)
The d ivid er ap p lied to the inp u t frequ ency. The resu lting frequ ency is com p u ted as follow s:
Input Selection
Ind icates w hich label in the GPIO LUT w ill be associated w ith the rescaler. Make su re you select an inp u t label
that is not being u sed for its d efau lt behavior. For exam p le, Q9 is u sed to sen d a trigger to p u lse generator 0. If
p u lse generator 0 is u sed in triggered m od e, then it w ill be triggered by Q9 and cannot be u sed as the inp u t for
the rescaler. The p ossible valu es are: Q3, Q7, Q8. Q9, Q10, Q11, Q16, an d Q17.
Backup Enabled
Ind icates if the rescaler w ill u se a back -u p inp u t sou rce if its m ain sou rce stop s its activity.
Backup Window
Sp ecifies the w ind ow of tim e d u ring w hich there can be n o activity from the m ain inp u t sou rce before the
rescaler sw itches to the back-u p sou rce. As soon as activity is d etected , the rescaler retu rns to its m ain in p u t
sou rce.
Backup Input
Sam e as the m ain inp u t sou rce
Ind icates the nu m ber of PCI clock cycles that are u sed for each increm ent of the d elay and w id th. The am ou nt
sp ecified in the granu larity is m u ltip lied by 30 nan osecon d s.
Other Rescaler equ ation s are:
Granu larity_setting = [1, 4, 16, 256]
Mu ltip lier_setting = [16, 256, 4096]
Divid er_setting [15:0] = [0..65535]
Granu larity = 30ns x Granu larity_setting
sig_in _p eriod _cou nter [15:0] = MIN ( IN T( Signal_In _Period / Granu larity ), 65535)
m u ltip lier_ou t [31:0] = sig_in_p eriod _cou nter[15:0] x Mu ltip lier_setting[15:0]
d ivid er_ou t[27:0] = IN T ( m u ltip lier_ou t[31:0] / Divid er_setting )
Signal_Ou t_Period = MAX( d ivid er_ou t[27:0], 2 ) x Gran u larity