Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Rescale the line trigger signal
The rotary encod er h as its ow n bu ilt-in rescaler. Setting Rotary Encod er Mu ltip ly Factor to 0 p rod u ces an
ou tp u t frequ ency that is 4 tim es the rotary encod er ou tp u t. To set the ou tp u t to be the sam e as rotary encod er
ou tp u t, set the Rotary Encod er Mu ltip ly Factor to 1 and Rotary Encod er Drop Factor to 4.
Figure 39: Rotary Encoder Multiply Factor
The forw ard and reverse d irection is set by changing ―Rotary Encod er Direction Ph ase‖.
Check the d irection show n in the Direction Control Grou p to confirm the d irection ;
Figure 40: Rotary Encoder Direction Phase
In som e situ ations, it is d esirable to only resp on d to one d irection, either forw ard or reverse, yEnable the
Encod er Backlash Control fu nction and the Scan Direction to d esired d irection .