Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Software and Hardware Setup
Host System Requirements
To achieve best system p erform ance, the follow ing m inim u m resqu irem ents are recom m end ed :
Op erating system : Wind ow s XP Professional, Wind ow s Vista, Wind ow s 7 (either 32-bit or 64-bit for
all) are su p p orted .
Network Adapter Requirements
GigE netw ork ad ap ter (either PCI card or LOM): For high p erform ance you m u st u se a Intel
PRO/ 1000 MT ad ap ter.
The Sp yd er3 GEV cam era w orks only w ith netw ork ad ap ters based on the Intel 82546, 82541, and 82540
netw ork chip s. The d river w ill also fu nction w ith ad ap ters based on the Intel 82544 chip , bu t these are not
recom m end ed d u e to bu gs in the chip that can cau se control p ackets to be lost if sent w hile d ata is
stream ing.
Ethernet Switch Requirements
When you requ ire m ore than one d evice on the sam e netw ork or a cam era -to-PC sep aration of m ore than
100 m etres, you can u se an Ethernet sw itch. Since the Sp yd er3 GEV cam era com p lies w ith the Internet
Protocol, the cam era shou ld w ork w ith all stand ard Ethernet sw itches. H ow ever, sw itches offer a range of
fu nctions and p erform ance grad es, so care m u st be taken to ch oose the right sw itch for a p articu lar
ap p lication.
Setup Steps: Overview
Take the follow ing step s in ord er to setu p and ru n you r cam era system . They are d escribed briefly below
and in m ore d etail in the follow ing sections.
1. Install and Configure Ethernet Network Card
If you r host com p u ter d oes not have a Gigabit netw ork ad ap ter or equ ivalent (PCI bu s Gigabit N IC)
alread y installed , then you need to install on e.
For Gigabit p erform ance w e recom m end the Intel PRO/ 1000 MT ad ap ter, or equ ivalent. Follow the
manufacturer’s installation instructions.
A GigE Vision com p liant XML d evice d escrip tion file is em bed d ed w ithin the cam era’s firm w are
allow ing GigE Vision com p liant ap p lications (e.g. Qu ickCam , Pleora`s Coyote, and Sap eraLT) to know
the camera’s cap abilities im med iately after connection. The Spyd er3 camera w as tested with and
su p p orts Sap eraLT w hich gives you access to the Cam Exp ert GUI, a GigE Vision com p liant ap p lication.
Software Installation
Sapera LT w ith CamExpert
to control the Sp yd er3. You can access Sap era d rivers, SDKs, and
d em os from the follow ing link:
http :/ / w w w .teled yned alsa.com / m v/ su p p ort/ d riverSDKlist.asp x