Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Using Sapera CamExpert with Spyder3 Cameras
Cam Exp ert is the cam era interfacing tool su p p orted by the Sap era library. When u sed w ith a Sp yd er3
cam era, Cam Exp ert allow s a u ser to test all Sp yd er3 op erating m od es. Ad d itionally Cam Exp ert saves the
Sp yd er3 u ser settings configu ration to the cam era or saves m u ltip le configu rations as ind ivid u a l cam era
p aram eter files on the host system (
An im p ortant com p onent of Cam Exp ert is its live acqu isition d isp lay w ind ow w hich allow s im m ed iate
verification of tim ing or control p aram eters w ithou t the need to ru n a sep arate acqu isition p rogram .
For context sensitive help , click on the
bu tton then click on a cam era configu ration p aram eter. A
short d escrip tion of the configu ration p aram eter w ill be show n in a p op u p . Click on the
bu tton to
op en the help file for m ore d escrip tive inform ation on Cam Exp ert.
The central section of Cam Exp ert p rovid es access to the Sp yd er3 p aram eters. N ote: The availability of the
p aram eters is d ep end ent on the Cam Exp ert u ser setting.
CamExpert Panes
Figure 16: CamExpert Example