Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Trigger Mode
Ind icates how a triggered p u lse generator w ill h and le its triggers. The p ossible settings are:
Triggered on rising edge
: Ind icates if a triggered p u lse generator is triggered on the rising ed ge of an
inp u t
Triggered on high level
: Ind icates is a triggered p u lse generator is triggered on the high level of an inp u t
Triggered on falling edge
: Ind icates if a triggered p u lse generator is triggered on the fa lling ed ge of an
inp u t
Triggered on rising AN D falling edges
: Ind icates if a triggered p u lse generator is triggered on the rising
ed ge of an in p u t and on the falling ed ge of an inp u t
Triggered on low level
: Ind icates if a triggered p u lse gen erator is trigg ered on the low level of an inp u t
Pulse Period (ns)
Disp lays the valu e of the p aram eter, in nanosecond s, of a com p lete d elay -w id th cycle of the p u lse generator.
This valu e is com p u ted every tim e the d elay, w id th or granu larity is m od ified and is available regard less of the
p eriod ic m od e.
Pulse Frequency (Hz)
Disp lays the frequ ency of th e p u lse generator. This valu e is com p u ted every tim e the d elay, w id th or
granu larity is m od ified an d is available regard less of the p eriod ic m od e.
Pulse Generator Timing
Positive Pulse Generated from a Rising Edge Trigger
Negative Pulse Generated from a Level High Trigger
softw are can generate tw o internal sign als u sing the interna l p u lse generators. The behavior of each of these
tw o p u lse generators is d efin ed by a d elay an d a w id th. As show n in the accom p anyin g d iagram s, the d elay is
the tim e betw een the trigger and the p u lse transitions. Th e w id th is the tim e the p u lse stays at t he active level
before tran sitioning. The p eriod ic m od e, the d elay d eterm ines the low tim e of the p u lse.
Each p u lse generator generates a sign al that can be u sed as an in p u t to the GPIO Control Block. A triggered
p u lse generator need s an inp u t signal that com es from an ou tp u t of the GPIO Control Block.
There is one clock cycle betw een the ou tp u t signal of a p u lse generator an d the ou tp u ts of the GPIO
Control Block.
The labels for the inp u ts from the p u lse generators in the GPIO Control Block p rogram m ing langu ages are:
I7, for p u lse generator 0