Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Connected and w hen Line Selector in set to a line sm aller than
Line Fu nction
Disp lays the line fu nction
Line Debou nce Factor
This featu re control the m inim u m p eriod of a inp u t line transition
before d etecting a signal transition.
Outputs Group
Ou tp u t Selector
This featu re selects w hich p hysical line (or p in) of the external
d evice connector to configu re. When a Line is selected , all the
other Line featu res w ill be ap p lied to its associated I / O control
block and w ill cond ition the resu lting inp u t or ou tp u t signal.
Line0 ou tp u ts signals at PLC_Q0; Line1 ou tp u ts signals at
PLC_Q1; Line2 ou tp u ts signals at PLC_Q2; Line3 ou tp u ts signals
at PLC_Q3.
Ou tp u t Form at
This featu re retu rns or sets (if p ossible) the cu rrent electrical
form at of the selected p hysical ou tp u t Line: N o Connect, TTL, or
Gain, Black Level, and Background
The cameras p rovid e gain and black level ad ju stments in the d igital d om ain for th e sensor. The gain and
black level controls can m ake small com p ensations to the acqu isition in situ ation s w here lighting varies
and the lens iris cannot be easily ad ju sted . The u ser can evalu ate gain and black level u sing Cam Exp ert.
The p aram eters that control gain, black level, and backgrou nd are grou p ed together in the Analog
Controls set.
Note that calibrating the gain can take up to 10 second s. Ad just the GUI’s timeout values (in the
Ad vanced Processing set) accord ingly.
A section d escribing cam era calibration in d etail is available later in this m anu al.
GigE Vision Input Controls
Analog Controls
Light Sou rce
Sp ecifies the ad ju stm ent to the color gain valu es for a given light
sou rce.
White LED
H alogen
Flu orescent
Tu ngsten
Selects the tap to control.
Tap 1
Tap 2