Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Selects w hich color to control.
Blu e
Color Gain (DB)
The gain, in d B, for a selected color and tap .
Color Gain Reference Up d ate
Provid es a new baseline for the colou r gain. Sets the cu rrent colou r
gain valu e to 0.0 d B
Calibrate White Balance
Ad ju st the color gain so that each color's average is equ al to the
CalibrateWhiteBalanceTarget. Alw ays set p rop er target before click
this bu tton. The sensorScanDirection m u st not be set to External. ***
WARN IN G: This com m and can take u p to 15 second s.
Calibrate White Balance Target
The goal of the CalibrateWhiteBlance com m and (in DN )
Total Color Gain (DB)
Disp lays the com bination of the ColorGain, ColorGainReference and
DigitalGain Abs in d B.This valu e ranges from -0.92 to 24.0
Color Gain Reference (DB)
The color gain reference valu e
Calibrate White Balance Resu lt
The resu lt of the last calibrate w hite balance
Read Calibrate White Balance
GigE Vision Input Controls
Analog Controls
Digital Gain (DN )
Sets the d igital system gain control. The gain is lim ited by the
highest Color Gain. Total Color Gain (Digital Gain * Color Gain)
m u st be betw een -0.92 and 24 d B.
Digital Gain (d B)
Digital gain am p lification in d B.
Backgrou nd Su btract (DN )
Used to increase im age contrast after FPN and PRN U calibration.
Su btract a backgrou nd valu e from the d igitized im age d ata (in
DN ).
Color Correction Valu e
The color correction valu e for the given ind icies. Max 8191.
Color Correction Inp u t Channel
Color Correction Ou tp u t Channel
Sp ecifies the color to correct u sing the color correction m atrix.
Table 11: Gain Range by Camera Model
1K /2K Cameras
4K Cameras
Color Gain
-20.0 d B to +20.0 d B (0 d B d efau lt)