
Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Prepare for Calibration
For best resu lts, the cam era shou ld be setu p for calibration w ith sim ilar cond itions as to those in w hich it
w ill be u sed . For exam p le, d ata m od e, exp osu re tim es and line rates, scan d irection, etc.
For exam p le, set the color gain for the cu rrent color u sing the
Color Gain
com m and .
Step 1: White Balance Calibration
Rem ove the lens cap and p rep are a w hite, u niform target.
Ad ju st the line rate so that the average ou tp u t is abou t 80% of the fu ll ou tp u t by: ad ju sting the
lighting, if you are u sing an internal exp osu re m od e. Or, ad ju st the line rate, if you are u sing the
Sm art Exsync m od e.
White balance calibrates ind ivid u al colou r gain settings so that the ou tp u ts are equ al betw een the
colors. Calibrate the w hite balance u sing the com m and s
Calibrate White Balance Target
Calibrate White Balance
, w here the target valu e (alw ays cou nted as 12-bit) is 1024 to 4055 DN . For
exam p le, if you w ant to set the target to 255 x 80% = 204 DN in 8-bit m od e, then the target valu e is
(204/ 255) x 4096 = 3277 DN in 8-bit m od e. Therefore, you can set the target to 3300 DN .
Calibration results from the Calibrate White Balance command:
Su ccess
Clip p ed to m in > Color gain set m iniu m , failu re to reach target
Clip p ed to m ax > Color gain set m axim u m , failu re to reach target
Tim eou t > FPGA d id not retu rn new end of line statistics or vid eo line
Step 3: FPN Calibration
N ote that you d o not need to tu rn off the FPN and PRN U coefficients before calibrating, the cam era w ill
d o this au tom atically.
Stop all light from entering the cam era. The best w ay to d o this is to p u t on lens cap .
Calibrate FPN u sing the
FPN Calibrate
com m and .
Use the
Read FFC Calibration Result
p aram eter to d eterm ine if you r calibration w as a su ccess or
To save the calibrated FPN coefficients to the FFC coefficient set show n, u se the
Set FPN Save
p aram eter.
Step 4: PRNU Calibration: White Calibration
Perform s PRN U calibration to u ser entered valu e and elim inates the d ifference in resp onsivity betw een
the m ost and least sensitive p ixel creating a u niform resp onse to light. Using this com m and , you m u st
p rovid e a calibration target.
Execu ting these algorithm s cau ses the
Background Subtract (D N )
valu e to be set to 0 (no backgrou nd
su btraction) and the
D igital Gain (D N )
valu e to 4096 (u nity d igital gain). The p ixel coefficients are
d isabled (
Pixel Set Load 0
) d u ring the algorithm execu tion bu t retu rned to the state they w ere p rior to
com m and execu tion.
Rem ove the lens cap and p rep are a w hite, u niform target.
Ad ju st the line rate so that the average ou tp u t is abou t 80% of the fu ll ou tp u t by: ad ju sting the
lighting, if you are u sing an in ternal exp osu re m od e. Or, ad ju st the line rate, if you are u sing the
Sm art Exsync m od e.
Set the PRN U target valu e u sing the
Target to Calibrate PRN U
com m and . The target valu e (alw ays
cou nted as 12-bit) and is 1024 to 4055 DN . For exam p le, if you w ant to se t the target to 255 x 80% =