Spyder3 SG-34 GigE Vision Color Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Sensor Shift Direction
You can select either forw ard or reverse CCD shift d irection. Selectable d irection accom m od ates object
d irection change on a web and allows you to m ou nt the camera ―up sid e d own‖.
Figure 22: Object Movement and Camera Direction Example using an Inverting Lens
Resetting the Camera
The featu re
, p art of the
Camera Information
set, resets the cam era.
The cam era resets w ith the last saved settings and the bau d rate u sed before the reset. Previou sly saved
p ixel coefficients are also restored .
GigE Vision Input Controls
Camera Information
Cam era Reset
Reset the cam era and p u t it in its p ow er -u p state (either w ith the d efau lt
factory settings or w ith saved u ser settings)