DES-3000 Series Layer 2 Switch CLI Reference Manual
The Switch supports 802.1d STP and 802.1w Rapid STP. The spanning tree commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are
listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
config stp
{maxage <value 6-40> | hellotime <value 1-10> | forwarddelay <value 4-30> |
priority <value 0-61440> | version [rstp | stp] | txholdcount <value 1-10> |
fbpdu [enabled | disabled]}
config stp ports
<portlist> {cost [auto | <value 1-200000000>] | priority <value 0-240> | migrate
[yes | no] | edge [true | false] | p2p [true | false | auto] | state [enabled |
disabled] | fbpdu [enabled | disabled]}
enable stp
disable stp
show stp
show stp ports
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config stp
Used to setup STP and RSTP on the Switch.
config stp {maxage <value 6-40> | hellotime <value 1-10> | forwarddelay <value 4-30> |
priority <value 0-61440> | version [rstp | stp] | txholdcount <value 1-10> | fbpdu
[enabled | disabled]}
This command is used to setup the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for the entire switch.
maxage <value 6-40>
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the Switch will wait
to receive a BPDU packet before reconfiguring STP. The default is 20 seconds.
hellotime <value 1-10>
The time interval between transmission of configuration messages
by the root device. The default is 2 seconds.
forwarddelay <value 4-30>
The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the root device
will wait before changing states. The default is 15 seconds.
priority <value 0-61440>
A numerical value between 0 and 61440 that is used in
determining the root device, root port, and designated port. The device with the highest
priority becomes the root device. The lower the numerical value, the higher the priority. The
default is 32,768.
version [rstp | stp]
- Select the Spanning Tree Protocol version used for the Switch. For IEEE
802.1d STP select
. Select
for IEEE 802.1w Rapid STP.
txholdcount <value 1-10>
- The maximum number of Hello packets transmitted per interval.
Default value = 3.
fbpdu [enabled | disabled]
Allows the forwarding of STP BPDU packets from other network
devices when STP is disabled on the Switch. The default is enabled.
Restrictions Only
administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure STP with maxage 18 and hellotime 4: