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© 2018 Cyphre Security Solutions, LLC.
5.1 IPMITool Command Syntax
ipmitool [-c|-h|-d N| -v|-V] -I open <command>
ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I lan -H <hostname>
[-p <port>]
[-U <username>]
[-A <authtype>]
[-L <privlvl>]
[-a|-E|-P|-f <password>]
[-o <oemtype>]
[-O <sel oem>]
[-e <esc_char>]
ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I lanplus -H <hostname>
[-p <port>]
[-U <username>]
[-L <privlvl>]
[-a|-E|-P|-f <password>]
[-o <oemtype>]
[-O <sel oem>]
[-C <ciphersuite>]
[-K|-k <kg_key>]
[-y <hex_kg_key>]
[-e <esc_char>]
5.2 IPMITool Description
This program lets you manage Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) functions of either
the local system, via a kernel device driver, or a remote system, using IPMI v 1.5 and IPMI v 2.0.
These functions include printing FRU information, LAN configuration, sensor readings, and remote
chassis power control.
IPMI management of a local system interface requires a compatible IPMI kernel driver to be installed
and configured. On Linux this driver is called OpenIPMI and it is included in standard distributions.
On Solaris this driver is called BMC and is included in Solaris 10. Management of a remote station
requires the IPMI-over-LAN interface to be enabled and configured. Depending on the particular
requirements of each system it may be possible to enable the LAN interface using ipmitool over the
system interface.
-a Prompt for the remote server password.
-A <authtype>
Specify an authentication type to use during IPMIv1.5 lan session activation.
Supported types are NONE, PASSWORD, MD2, MD5, or OEM.
BT1 Security Appliance User Guide
5 About the IPMITool