Crystal Vision
The card edge display
TANDEM-110 User Manual R1.8
Group examples
Select a group from within the SDI stream for de-embedding
A=Agroup=n or B=Agroup=n
If the display text starts with A or B, de-embedding is implied. Providing the
‘=’ sign appears before the group number, audio will be de-embedded.
An attempt is made to de-embed from a non-existent group
A=Agroup n or B=Agroup n
If the display test starts with A or B, de-embedding is implied. However, if
the ‘=’ sign does NOT appear before the group number, then NO audio will
be de-embedded at this in time as no suitable input is currently present.
Select a new group to embed to
C=Agroup n or D=Agroup n
If the display test starts with C, D, E, or F embedding is implied. Providing
there is NO ‘=’ sign before the group number, then there is no conflicting
audio group present and audio will be embedded into that SDI stream.
Select an existing group to embed to
C=Agroup=n or D=Agroup=n
If the display test starts with C, D, E, or F embedding is implied. The ‘=’
sign before the group number indicates that it already exists. There is a
conflicting audio group present.
New audio will be embedded into that SDI stream and the incoming Audio
Group will be disabled automatically by changing the incoming Audio
Group ID to ‘Marked for Deletion’.
Always set embed or de-embed functions to unassigned when NOT in use (eg
A=Agroup-). The ‘-’ sign will disable auxiliary functions such as ‘Marked for Deletion’
and will help avoid invalid operations or unexpected results.